Shoe Size Finder

We recommend at least 5-8mm gap between your longest toe and the front of the shoe. You can use your current cycling shoes as a reference point, to avoid measuring your feet.

We recommend matching up the CM or JP number found on your current cycling shoes to the "Internal Shoe Length" millimetre (MM) measurement found on our size chart.

Assuming your current shoes are labelled accurately for length, matching up these numbers will give you the same shoe size as you are wearing now.

If in doubt, go up to the next size in the chart.



To find your Bont Cycling shoe size, download and print our all-new sizing page in A4 or US Letter and follow the instructions exactly as listed. Stand barefoot, mark with a straight edge your longest toe and widest part of your foot. Double check the length and width with a ruler to confirm your measurements.

You can also try our Brand Comparison tool, designed to compare your current cycling shoes to the most appropriate size in Bont Cycling shoes. Be advised, you should still note the width of both feet to determine the best fit.


To find your size, take a piece of plain paper on a flat surface and place it directly up against a wall. Stand on the paper (barefoot) and ensure you have a 1mm gap between your heel and the wall. Plant your foot firmly on the ground mark the widest points of the inner and outer edges of your feet.

For the most accurate length, slowly roll your weight forward and onto the forefoot. Your heel should lift off the ground slightly during this process. Place a flat edge at the position of your longest toe, step off the paper and record the measurement from the wall edge of the paper to the longest toe (where you placed the flat edge against). Record the length. Repeat this step for both feet.

Once the measurements have been taken, use the Foot Length Range on the size chart to find your size. The Internal Shoe Length row refers to the precise internal measurement of the shoe in millimetres. We recommend at least 5-8mm gap between your longest toe and the front of the shoe.

Example: Your feet measure 278mm in length (barefoot) and so you should consider size 45/10.5 as this will provide approximately 7mm gap due to the shoe having an internal length of 285mm.

Following selection of your size in EU or USA, move downward to select the most appropriate width. We recommend adding at least 2mm to your foot width to find the most appropriate shoe width. For example, you are looking at a Vaypor S and have determined your best shoe size is 45 and your feet measure 103mm (left) and 105mm (right) wide, with an additional 2mm added, you would still fit within the Standard Range. If your feet measure wide than 109/110mm (size 45/10.5) you should consider Wide fit.

If you are having issues with the width of your current shoes, considering trying wide fit, even if your feet sit within the standard range. A little extra width in the forefoot of the shoe may assist in allowing your feet to sit more naturally inside the shoe.

NOTE: The stated size width range does not reflect the actual width of the shoe. Bont Cycling shoes are designed with structural support throughout the entire length including the forefoot and as such, the measured shoe width is designed to appropriately support the foot within the shoe. The width of the shoe will almost always be narrower than your foot which is intentional in order to provide the necessary support.

Please also keep in mind Bont Cycling shoes are designed around an anatomically correct last suitable for cycling however, this does not mean they are built in the 'bare foot' running shoe style.

For sizes that fall outside of our size chart, please get in touch HERE.

New Vaypor and Riot Size Chart

Includes Vaypor SL, Vaypor BOA (2023), Vaypor Lace, Riot 24 and Riot G.

Tip: Rotate your phone horizontally for best viewing experience

Bont Cycling USA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 14
Bont Cycling EU 36 37 38 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46 46.5 47 48 49 50
Internal Shoe Length 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315
Foot Length Range 216 - 220 221 - 225 226 - 230 231 - 235 236 - 240 241 - 245 246 - 250 251 - 255 256 - 260 261 - 265 266 - 270 271 - 275 276 - 280 281 - 285 286 - 290 291 - 295 296 - 300 301 - 305 306 - 310
Standard Range 84 - 95 85 - 96 87 - 97 88 - 99 89 - 100 91 - 102 92 - 104 93 - 105 94 - 107 96 - 108 97 - 110 98 - 111 100 - 112 101 - 114 102 - 115 104 - 116 105 - 118 106 - 119 107 - 121
Wide Range 96 - 101 97 - 102 98 - 104 100 - 105 101 - 107 103 - 109 105 - 110 106 - 112 108 - 114 109 - 115 111 - 117 112 - 118 113 - 120 115 - 121 116 - 123 117 - 124 119 - 126 120 - 128 122 - 129

Vaypor Series Size Chart

Includes Vaypor S, Helix, Zero+, Vaypor+ Kangaroo, Vaypor G and Crono MK2.

Tip: Rotate your phone horizontally for best viewing experience

Bont Cycling USA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 14
Bont Cycling EU 36 37 38 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46 46.5 47 48 49 50
Internal Shoe Length 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315
Foot Length Range 216-220 221-225 226-230 231-235 236-240 241-245 246-250 251-255 256-260 261-265 266-270 271-275 276-280 281-285 286-290 291-295 296-300 301-305 306-310
Narrow Range 81-83 82-84 83-86 84-87 86-88 87-90 88-91 90-92 91-93 92-95 93-96 95-97 96-99 97-100 99-101 100-103 101-104 103-105 104-106
Standard Range 84-93 85-94 87-95 88-97 89-98 91-100 92-102 93-103 94-105 96-106 97-107 98-108 100-110 101-111 102-113 104-114 105-116 106-117 107-119
Wide Range 94-97 95-98 96-100 98-101 99-103 101-104 103-106 104-107 106-109 107-110 108-112 109-113 111-115 112-116 114-118 115-119 117-121 118-122 120-124
Double Range 98-102 99-103 101-105 102-106 104-108 105-110 107-111 108-113 110-115 111-116 113-118 114-119 116-121 117-122 119-124 120-125 122-127 123-129 125-130

Vaypor T Size Chart

Includes Vaypor T.

Tip: Rotate your phone horizontally for best viewing experience

Bont Cycling USA 5 6 7 8 9 10 10½ 10¾ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 14
Bont Cycling EU 36 37 38 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46 46.5 47 48 49 50
Internal Shoe Length 223 232 238 245 250 254 259 263 268 272 277 281 285 290 294 299 305 312 317
Foot Length Range 210-218 219-227 228-233 234-240 241-245 246-249 250-254 255-258 259-263 264-267 268-272 273-276 277-280 281-285 286-289 290-294 295-300 301-307 308-312
Narrow range 76-80 78-82 80-84 82-86 83-87 85-89 86-90 87-91 89-93 90-94 91-95 93-97 94-98 95-99 96-100 97-101 99-103 101-105 102-106
Standard range 81-90 83-92 85-94 87-97 88-98 90-100 91-101 92-102 94-104 95-105 96-107 98-109 99-110 100-111 101-112 102-113 104-115 106-117 107-118
Wide range 91-95 93-97 95-99 98-102 99-103 101-105 102-106 103-107 105-109 106-110 108-112 110-114 111-115 112-116 113-117 114-118 116-120 118-122 119-123
Double range 96-100 98-102 100-104 103-107 104-108 106-110 107-111 108-112 110-114 111-115 113-117 115-119 116-120 117-121 118-122 119-123 121-125 123-127 124-128

Riot Size Chart

Includes Riot+, Riot TR+, Riot MTB+ and Riot Buckle.

Tip: Rotate your phone horizontally for best viewing experience

Bont Cycling USA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 14
Bont Cycling EU 36 37 38 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46 46.5 47 48 49 50
Internal Shoe Length 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315
Foot Length Range 216-220 221-225 226-230 231-235 236-240 241-245 246-250 251-255 256-260 261-265 266-270 271-275 276-280 281-285 286-290 291-295 296-300 301-305 306-310
Standard Range 84-95 85-96 87-98 88-99 89-101 91-102 92-104 93-105 94-107 96-108 97-110 98-111 100-113 101-114 102-115 104-117 105-118 106-120 107-121
Wide Range 96-97 97-98 99-100 100-101 102-103 103-104 105-106 106-107 108-109 109-110 111-112 112-113 114-115 115-116 116-118 118-119 119-121 121-122 122-124

Motion Size Chart

Includes Motion.

Tip: Rotate your phone horizontally for best viewing experience

Bont Cycling USA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 14
Bont Cycling EU 36 37 38 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46 46.5 47 48 49 50
Internal Shoe Length 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315
Foot Length Range 216-220 221-225 226-230 231-235 236-240 241-245 246-250 251-255 256-260 261-265 266-270 271-275 276-280 281-285 286-290 291-295 296-300 301-305 306-310
Width Range 84-93 85-94 87-95 88-97 89-98 91-100 92-102 93-103 94-105 96-106 97-107 98-108 100-110 101-111 102-113 104-114 105-116 106-117 107-119